The word pursue has various meanings depending on the context in which the word is used. For example, I can pursue an enemy in order to overtake, capture and kill that enemy, or I can say that I am pursued by bad luck. Another use of the word is to strive for, to seek after with a desire to attain or to accomplish, it’s this definition that I want to draw your attention to and ask you this question: What Are You Pursuing?
As men and women we pursue many things, some of us pursue fortune fame and glory, or education, wealth and riches. While these pursuits are not wrong, there is no guarantee that you will attain fortune fame and glory, or education, wealth and riches.
However king Solomon said that if we pursue righteousness and love, we are guaranteed to be rewarded for our pursuit. We will be rewarded with life, prosperity and honor.
“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” Proverbs 21:21
What Are You Pursuing?
Be Blessed!
Your Iron Coach,
Bishop Jemmott